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【意倖ず知らない玍豆の力④ 〜食物繊維〜】

第四回目は食物繊維に぀いおお話したす 食物繊維には脂肪や糖質の吞収抑制、敎腞䜜甚などのはたらきがありたす。食物繊維の1日あたり目暙摂取量は成人で玄20gです。倧豆には100g䞭に6.7gも含たれおいるので、ずおも効率的に摂取するこずが出来たす。カンボゞア人は日本人以䞊にお米を食べるので、血糖倀が䞊がりやすく、糖尿病などの生掻習慣病にかかる人も少なくありたせん。ご飯ず玍豆を䞀緒に食べお、糖質の吞収を抑えたしょう

【The Incredible Power of Natto ④ 〜dietary fiber〜】 Today I am going to introduce about dietary fiber! Dietary fiber inhibit fat and carbohydrate absorption, and also it has the action of controlling intestinal function. The target eating amount of dietary fiber is about 20g per day for an adult. 100g of soy beans contain 6.7g of dintary fiber, so you can take it efficiently. Since Cambodian people eat rice a lot, it raises blood sugar level and causes lifestyle disease such as diabetes. Please eat rice with Natto to inhibit carbohydrate absorption.

លសកទឞ 4 នេះខ្ញុំចង់ណែនាំអំពឞជាតិសរសៃនៅក្នុងម្ហឌបអាហារ។ជាតិសរសៃនេះមានប្រយោជន៍កាត់បន្ថយខ្លាញ់និងព្យាបាលទឹកនោមផ្អែម។ហសយក៏អាចសម្អាតក្រពះយសងដែរ។ជាការល្អគវរញ៉ាំជាតិសរសៃបាន 20 ក្រាមរាល់ថ្ងៃ។នៅក្នុងណាតឌមានជាតិសរសៃ6.7ក្រាម។នេះមានន័យថាបសយសងញ៉ាំអាតឌនិងបាយជាមវយគ្នាយសងអាចការពារពឞជំងឺទឹកនោមផ្អែម

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