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【意倖ず知らない玍豆の力③ 〜倧豆レシチン〜】

English and Khmer follows Japanese!

第䞉回目は倧豆レシチンずいう物質をご玹介したす。レシチンは蚘憶力や孊習胜力に関わるアセチルコリンずいう物質のもずになりたす。アセチルコリンは頭を䜿ったりストレスがたたるず枛少しおしたいたす。 高霢になるずおこりうる物忘れや認知症の原因も、このアセチルコリンの枛少が原因であるずいわれおいたす。 レシチンは倧豆100g䞭に1480mgも含たれおおり、これほどレシチンをずれる食品は他にありたせん。 蚘憶力を高めたい詊隓前などに玍豆を食べるず良いかもしれたせんね

【The Incredible Power of Natto ③ 〜lecithin〜】 At this time I am going to introduce soy lecithin. Lecithin become acetylcholine which affects brain's response to memory and learning. Acetylcholine decreases when you use your brain or build up stress. It is said to be the cause of forgetfulness and dementia. 100 g of soy beans contain 1480 mg of lecithin. There are no other food that you can take such a large amount of lecithin. I recommend you to eat Natto when you want to increase your memory for example before you have an exam!

ថ្ងៃនេះខ្ញុំចង់ណែនាំLecithinដែលមានឥទ្ធិពលលសខវរក្បាលយសងជាពិសេសខាងការចង់ចាំ។ ជាតិacetylcholineចុះនៅពេលដែលយសងប្រសខវរក្បាលឬមានស្ត្រេស។នេះជាមឌលហេតុមវយមនុស្សចាស់ឆាប់ភ្លេចអ្វឞមវយ។សណ្តែក ១០០ ក្រាមមានផ្ទុកលឞកទឞន ១ៀ៚០ មឞលឞក្រាម។ មិនមានអាហារផ្សេងទៀតដែលអ្នកអាចទទវលlecithin បានេទ។ខ្ញុំសឌមណែនាំអ្នកឱ្យញ៉ាំណាតតឌនៅពេលអ្នកចង់បង្កសនការចងចាំជាឧទាហរណ៍មុនពេលប្រឡង។

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Everyday: 10am - 7pm 


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