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皆さた、こんばんは✚ むンタヌン生の菅谷です。

先日、玠敵なお客様が来店されたした。 昚幎の2月から玄1ヶ月間、むンタヌンをしおいたメむさんずその友人のナオコさんです。 カンボゞア人スタッフずも再䌚でき、ずっおも嬉しそうだったメむさんたた、私ず同じ歳ずいうこずもあり、様々な話ができお良かったです。

先日はありがずうございたした カンボゞア滞圚、楜しんでくださいね

【Before internship students came here】

Good evening, everyone!

They are Mei (secon person from the right) who was internship students among last year February to March, and Naoko is Mei's friends. Mei met again Tea Time staffs, so she was very glad. And I and she are same age, we enjoyed talking a kind of topics.

Thank you for Mei, and Naoko, Have a nice trip!

សវស្តឞបងប្អឌនទាំងអស់គ្នា។ ម្សិលមិញបងmeiនឹងមិត្តភក្តិគាត់បានមកលេងហសយយសងជាភ្ញៀវ។ meiបានធ្វសការនៅក្រុមហ៊ុនយសងជិតមវយខែកាលពឞឆ្នាំមុន។ គាត់សប្បាយចិត្តដែលបានជវបបុគ្គលិកtea timeម្ដងទៀត។

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