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【洗車やオイル交換におススメ!〜SUNNY AUTO〜】

車の整備や洗車を行なっている日系企業「SUNNY AUTO」さんです🚗 代表の浦野さんは、元々車のリビルトパーツに関わる仕事をしており、昨年の1月からシェムリアップで事業を開始されました!


オイル交換も、洗車も是非SUNNY AUTOさんへ😄

【Recommending for washing car and change oils〜SUNNY AUTO〜】 Good evening, everyone!

This is the Japanese company "SUNNY AUTO".It's do car maintenance and car wash. Representative Mr. Urano worked related on rebuilt parts of cars and he started company at Siem Reap since this year January.

Vehicle washer introduced this year April, it washing under car and in car, It included in price start at 3 dollars. Japanese teaching car maintenance so accommodate Japanese quality

Please you go to SUNNY AUTO!

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